Analyzing Jobs to Reduce Employee Injuries
There are many different types of work-related injuries that can occur in a veterinary hospital. One risk management process that you can implement in your practice to help reduce the frequency and severity of employee injuries is to conduct an analysis of each job and task that your employees perform. A job safety analysis (JSA) is a procedure that helps integrate accepted safety practices into a particular task or procedure. The goal of a JSA is to identify potential hazards and to recommend the safest instructions and protective measures to complete the job.
The terms job and task are commonly interchanged to mean a specific work assignment. To begin a job safety analysis, start by observing an employee perform a task. Document each step performed during the task or procedure. Then, meet with an experienced group of employees to confirm or clarify the correct steps, using your observation notes as a starting point. Once each step of the task has been defined, regroup with your team to document safe work procedures and the personal protective equipment (PPE) needs (such as eye protection or radiographic PPE) for each task.
How Will I Benefit From a Job Safety Analysis?
Initial benefits from developing JSAs will materialize in the preparation stage. The analysis process may identify previously undetected hazards and increase the job knowledge of those participating. Additional JSA benefits include:
• Raised awareness of safety and personal health
• Improvement of communication between workers and supervisors
• Promotion and acceptance of safe work procedures
• A feature of developing JSAs is the expanded functionality that these documents create. A JSA can serve as a:
Vehicle for regular contact between supervisors and workers
Teaching aid for initial job training
Briefing guide for infrequent jobs
Standard for health and safety inspections or observations
Tool to complete comprehensive accident investigations when injuries occur
Four JSA Steps
To conduct a JSA, follow these four stages:
1. Select the job to be analyzed
2. Divide the job into a sequence of steps
3. Identify potential hazards
4. Determine preventive measures to overcome these hazards
A JSA or work procedure is a great tool to help reduce the frequency and severity of employee injuries and control workers’ compensation insurance costs.
Click here to download an editable JSA form.
* This form is provided for reference purposes only. Provisions within your programs should be verified to ensure they comply with federal, state, and local regulations.